About EFT
The great thing about EFT is that it is a very simple and amazingly effective, practical method of clearing issues and fears either by yourself or with a practitioner.
Many things can be cleared by individuals using EFT by themselves but bigger issues that may be longer standing are likely to benefit from working with a practitioner. The practitioner will work at your pace in a safe, gentle and steady way.
Contact me for a free 20 minute chat about how EFT can help you
EFT has been around in its current form since 1995 when it was simplified by Gary Craig following work which started in the 1960s by Dr George Goodhart, developed in the 1970s by John Diamond, and in the 1980s by Dr Roger Callahan.
They all discovered that verbally focussing on a problem/issue whilst tapping on acupuncture points could bring relief in their patients – this was most noticeable with regards to fears, phobias and physical responses to stress. The technique we use today is one that is accessible to all and involves tapping on 9 points on the body (as shown in the diagram)
EFT Tapping helps us tune in to the negative patterns that we form around our uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or troubling memories. We ‘tap’ (so no needles!) on the correct pressure points (the body’s acupuncture/acupressure points along the meridian lines of Chinese medicine) while bringing the thoughts or emotions into awareness. The aim is to find relief, relaxation, and promote healing around the emotional or physical issues that hold us back.
That’s the great thing about EFT – it helps us see things more clearly and then release it.

About EFT – it’s safe, gentle and at your pace
EFT is a very gentle technique where you talk as much or as little as you want to – it doesn’t need the details of an event, you can just hold them in your mind or if it’s too distressing give the incident a name, EFT is still very successful at helping to clear negative emotions associated with events or situations.
Would you like to go from A to B…? Wherever you’re heading, EFT can help.
Contact me for a free 20 minute chat to find out how EFT can help you.

About EFT – Certification
The governing body for EFT practitioners is EFT International https://eftinternational.org/. All practitioners are expected to undertake 30 hours of Continuing Professional Development and 6 hours of mentoring every year for their certification to be renewed.